Friday, February 17, 2012

To learn about people in history

  Thank you very much for reading my blog. So far I have introduced you to eight great persons in Japanese history (Prince Shotoku, Emperor Kammu, Minamoto no Yoritomo, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ito Hirobumi). Are you interested in Japanese historical persons or Japanese history? I would appreciate it if you would have an interest in them. Finally, I will explain you a way to learn about historical persons. The way depends on how much you want to learn about the person. So, I will introduce three patterns of the way to learn about it.

1) To know the history of the nation or the world

  If you don't want to learn about a particular person in history or you don't know who to learn, you should study the history of the nation which you feel like knowing or the world. To study the history of the nation or the world enabled you to know about many people in history. If you can find a person who you feel like studying in those people, you will do better to study about the person. But it will take much of your time to study the whole history. So you will do better to choose the period.

2) To look for a historical biographical dictionary.

  If you want to study a historical person and the related persons or you want to know broad history of persons, you will do better to read biographical dictionaries about history. Most of them carried many broad people's history every period. So you can find an object of your study and you can study the related persons at the same time. Biographical dictionaries can be found in the Internet or in the libraries or bookstores. look for them if you want to read them!

3) To look for a biography of the historical person

  If you want to study a person you like thoroughly, please look for the biography of the person. Biographies carry you a lot of information about the person that includes not only things everyone know but also secrets of the person. To read biographies enabled you to get much information about the person you want to study unless you don't like to read thick books.

an example of Japanese biographical dictionary

an example of American biographical dictionary

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ito Hirobumi ~ Leader in new Japan ~

When Perry who was an American soldier come Japan in 1854, it was the turning point in Japanese history. Japan has been an isolated country since Tokugawa Iemitsu who was the 3rd shogun of the Edo shogunate stopped trading with other countries. When Perry urged Japan to open trade with the U.S, Japan could decide whether Japan should open trade with other countries or not. Japan was divided into two big groups. One insisted that Japan should open trade with other countries, while the other insisted the opposite. So both groups fought each other. As a result, Japan opened trade with other countries. Japan changed. The leader of new Japan was Ito Hirobumi.

an image of Ito Hirobumi

  Ito Hirobumi (A.D. 1841 - 1909) was a one of Japanese statesmen and the first prime minister of Japan. He flourished in the Meiji Period (1868 - 1912). When he was young, he took part in overthrowing the Tokugawa shogunate. After that, he took some important posts of new government as a politician. In 1885, he assumed the first prime minister of Japan. He has assumed it four times (1885 - 1888, 1892 - 1896, 1898 and 1900 - 1901).
  Ito Hirobumi contributed to two big things. One was that he established the Japanese constitutional monarchy and made a constitution called Meiji Constitution. This constitution promulgated by Emperor Meiji in 1889. Other was that he formed a new political party called Rikken Seiyukai and this became one of the main political parties in Japan. Ito Hirobumi was regarded as a good statesman by many people.


Meiji Constitution promulgation in 1889
 ・Ito Hirobumi spoke English fluently
  Ito Hirobumi assumed the prime minister in spite of lower rank, for he could speak English fluently. So he often negotiated with other countries as the representative.

1,000 yen bill of Japan

・Ito Hirobumi liked women
   That Ito Hirobumi liked women very much was known to many people at that time.  
It was said that when he suffered from the high fever, there were two women (geisha girl) on both sides of him.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tokugawa Ieyasu ~ made a peaceful world ~

In 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's died leaving his son, Toyotomi Hideyori. Although Hideyori was a man who succeeds Hidetoshi, he was very young (6 years old) and so he couldn't govern Japan. Among the lieges of Hideyoshi, Ishida Mitsunari and Tokugawa Ieyasu were against. In 1600, japan was divided into two parties. One was Mitsunari's group and other was Ieyasu's group. Both groups fought each other at Sekigahara where was in the present Gifu prefecture and in the center of the mainland of Japan. The battle lasted only one day and the winner was Ieyasu's party. He became the top of Japan.

an image of Tokugawa Ieyasu

  Tokugawa Ieyasu (A.D.1543-1616)was a one of generals and politicians of Sengoku period. He also was founder and the first shogun of the Edo (Tokugawa) shogunate. When he founded shogunate (bakufu), he was 60 years old. He had a difficult and longtime becoming the leader of all samurais and all people.
  Tokugawa Ieyasu contributed to two big things. One was that he founded the stable political power.  Other was that he made the world peaceful. Tokugawa clan who were descendant of Ieyasu could have had the power for about 250 years according to the former. Also, people could lived without being caught up in strife.
  If Perry who was a American soldier hadn't come Japan, Tokugawa clan might have ruled over the country for more 250 years.


  Tokugawa Ieyasu was a man who had changed his name many times. When he was born in 1543, his name was "Takechiyo". When he was his coming of age, he changed his name to "Matsudaira Motonobu". "Matsudaira" was his family name. After that, he changed his name to "Matsudaira Nobuyasu". At this point, he still was in hostage of Imagawa Yoshimoto who also was a one of generals and politicians of Sengoku period. After Yoshimoto was laid Oda Nobunaga low, Ieyasu stood on his own feet and changed his name to "Matsudaira Ieyasu". In 1566, he changed his name to "Tokugawa Ieyasu".

Friday, February 3, 2012

Toyotomi Hideyoshi ~ the man who achieved national unification ~

In 1582, Oda Nobunaga was assassinated by his liege Akechi Mitsuhide at Honno-ji temple. As soon as Toyotomi Hideyoshi heard that news, he went hurriedly back and revenged his load's death on Mitsuhide.
In behalf of Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi aimed for national unification.

a image of Toyotomi Hideyoshi

  Toyotomi HIdeyoshi (A.D.1536 - 1598) was a one of generals and politicians of the Sengoku period. He had climbed from farmer class to the top of Japan. In 1590, he conquered the whole countries. There are a lot of anecdotes (stories) about him.
  Toyotomi Hideyoshi contributed to two big things. One was that he brought the end of world which took for granted fighting with weapon and person's death. Other was that he attempted to make a new feudal system. To achieve the former, he conquered the countries which were against him. To achieve the latter, he surveyed the land that people owned on a whole nation scale, which was called "Taikou Kenchi" in Japanese. This survey made the individual land clear. So the result of this survey led to the political system of the Edo period.

Secrets & Anecdotes

  There are many secrets and anecdotes about Toyotomi Hideyoshi. So I introduced you 2 stories.
  When he wasn't a liege of Oda Nobunaga and it was snowy and cold, the geta (a pair of Japanese wooden shoes) Nobunaga put on was warming. Nobunaga asked Hideyoshi the reason. Hideyoshi replied that he put the geta his back and warmed up it. Nobunaga was impressed by his behavior. After that Hideyoshi became a liege of Nobunaga.
  HIdeyoshi was known as a loyal liege of Nobunaga. But he estimated that Nobunaga was a brave general, was not a good general.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Oda Nobunaga ~ The king of the Warring State Period ~

  In the middle of 15th century, the power of Muromachi shogunate ("bakufu") declined. So Japan went into the fighting ("sengoku") period which lasted for about hundred years. In many parts of the country, generals who wanted to unify the Japan appeared and fought with some neighboring generals. They were called "sengoku daimyo", had the territory. A one of them was Oda Nobunaga. He succeeded in unifying Japan.


a picture of Oda Nobunaga
   Oda Nobunaga (A.D.1534 - 1582) was born in Owari as a son of Oda Nobuhide. Owari was a place-name, and it was in present Aichi prefecture. In 1551, he came into his father's inheritance and tried to unify the Owari province. By 1159, he unified almost all it. This later, he expanded his territory steadily for about twenty years. Finally he became a person like the king of Japan.
  Oda Nobunaga contributed to three big things. First one was to have unified almost parts of Japan. Second one was to have taken over the culture and lifestyles of European countries actively. Last one was to have built the new political and economic system. To achieve first one, he organized corps which had a  teamwork, used his brain, won a lot of battles. To achieve second one, he allowed missionaries who came to Japan to mission people Christianity to stay in Japan, and learned about different cultures and lifestyles from them. To achieve last one,  he developed the castle towns as the center and basis of local economies, allowed people to do economic activity freely and not to pay some money when they went through checkpoints.
  Now, Japan may need a person like Oda Nobunaga.


  Oda Nobunaga was known as not only a reformer but also a cruel and severe man because he attacked Enryaku-ji which was a one of the powerful temples and burnt it in 1571. But he could hold his family (especially daughters) dear. It was said that he chose their marriage partners among his reliable lieges.
Also, he had a wide circle of friends, joined the festival and danced with the people. It was said that he was friendly with the people.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu ~ the man who could top Tenno ~

In 1333, the Kamakura shogunate which Minamoto no Yoritomo founded were destroyed by Emperor Go-Daigo. Instead of Hojo clan, Emperor Go-Daigo ruled the country. Because he didn't give samurais rewards for their contribution to destroying the Kamakura shogunate, Ashikaga Takauji who was leader of samurais was against him. Takauji put Yutahito who was brother of Emperor Kogon forward as Emperor Komyo. The Imperial Court of Japan (Chotei) was divided into two parties Northern Court ( Hokucho ) and Southern Court ( Nancho ). Ashikaga Yoshimitsu stopped the both fighting each other, the both were reconciled.

shogunate = a political organization started by samurai ( fighter ) , "bakufu"
Emperor Go-Daigo (A.D.1288 - 1339) = the 96th emperor of Japan
Ashikaga Takauji (A.D.1305 - 1358) = the founder of the Muromachi shogunate,
                                                             his grandson was Yoshimitsu
Emperor Kogon (A.D.1313 - 1364) = the 1st of Northern Court
Emperor Komyo (A.D.1322 - 1380) = the 2nd of Northern Court


File:Yoshimitsu Ashikaga cropped.jpg
the picture of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

  Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (A.D.1358 - 1408) was the 3rd shogun of the Muromachi (Ashikaga) shogunate. He ruled over the country from 1368 to 1408 as shogun or shogun's father. He was a one of the most powerful persons during the Muromachi period of Japan. Muromachi is a place-name; it was in Kyoto of Japan.
  He contributed to two things. One was to have created a solid political foundation of Muromachi shogunate. Other was to have restored the relation between Japan and China. To achieve the former, Yoshimitsu stopped the Northern and Southern Courts fighting each other, unified into one Court. And he attacked his lieges who obey shogun in order not to rebel him. To achieve the latter, he sent his lieges to China many times to trade with China.
  After he died, the power of Muromachi Shogunate gradually declined.  


  Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had many children. Three of them were Yoshimochi, Yoshitugu, and Yoshinori. Yoshimochi was the 4th shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, but was against his father, Yoshitugu that Yoshimitsu was partial to was killed by his brother Yoshimochi. Yoshinori was the 6th shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, tried to be a politician like his father. But he was killed by a one of his lieges Akamatsu Mitsusuke. Yoshimitsu's children couldn't become politician like Yoshimitsu.
  It was said that Ashikaga Yoshimtsu tried to get the authority of emperor of Japan ( Tenno ). Recently, this theory is not so believed, but he was likely to put his son Yoshitugu forward as emperor of Japan, rule over the country as the father of the emperor. So he might be assassinated (killed) by someone. Yoshimochi or court nobles might be suspect. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Minamoto no Yoritomo ~ the first samurai king of Japan ~

  Heian period can be divided into three periods. The first when Tenno ruled over Japan lasted from the end of 8th century to the beginnings of 10th century. The second when Fujiwara clan assumed a right to themselves lasted from 10th century to the middle of 11th century. The third when Tenno returned to power lasted from the middle of 11th century to the end of 12th century. Samurai class appeared at the second period as regional powerful family with weapon. After that, they were gradually strong and they involved in politics. At the end of Heian period, two samurai clans Taira clan and Minamoto clan struggled each other for supremacy. The winner was Minamoto clan and the leader was Minamoto no Yoritomo.

File:Minamoto no Yoritomo.jpg
the informed image of Minamoto no Yoritomo

 Minamoto no Yoritomo ( A.D. 1147 - 1199 ) was born as the third son of Minamoto no Yoshitomo. After his father died, he commanded his family and pulled down Taira clan who assumed a right to themselves. In 1192, he founded shogunate in Kamakura ( the present Kamakura city of Kanagawa prefecture ) and became the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate. He ruled only a few years ( from this time to his death ).
  In 1959, civil war Heiji Rebellion broke out. Minamoto no Yoshitomo struggled with Taira no Kiyomori who was leader of Taira clan. But Yoshitomo lost the field, was assassinated by someone while running away. After this war ended, Yoritomo was exiled to Izu (the present Izu Peninsula ), Kiyomori was appointed as the
Daijo Daijin and his family assumed a right to themselves.
  Yoritomo became the new head of the Minamoto clan and grew up in exile. In 1179, he married Hojo Masako who was a daughter of powerful clan in Izu, Hojo Tokimasa. Next year, he raised an army against Taira clan, he set up a capital at Kamakura in the east. From this to 1185, Minamoto clan and Taira clan fought each other, the former won in Dannoura.
  In 1192, Minamoto no Yoritomo was appointed the Seii-taishogun, founded the first shogunate in Kamakura. The long era when samurai class ruled the country started at this time.


  The great samurai Minamoto no Yoritomo died in 1199. It is said that he fell from a horse and so he died. But some scholar support the theory that Minamoto no Yoritomo was assassinated by someone, and that the assassin was his supporter Hojo clan. Indeed, they cleared Yoritomo's sons Minamoto no Yoriie who was the second shogun and Minamoto no Sanetomo who was the third shogun from the political community. After that, both of them were killed.
  I don't believe that though Minamoto no Yoritomo was the leader of samurai, he died of a fall from the horse. What do you think?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Emperor Kammu ~ man who built the millennium capital ~

the picture of Emperor Kammu
   Emperor Kammu may not be much known to us. But he was a one of the greatest person because he improved Japanese politics in some way.

  History  &  Contribution
  Emperor Kammu (A.D. 737-806) was the 50th emperor of Japan and a Japanese politican in Heian age. He reigned from 781 to 806. He had a strong leadership and attempted to reform the Japanese political institution to rid the malady of the Buddihism politics. He has moved the capital of Japan twice. First, he moved it from Nara (Heijo-kyo) which many big temples were in to Nagaoka ( Nagaoka-kyo ) in 784. Nagaoka was in the present Kyoto prefecture. Ten years later (794), He moved it from Nagaoka to Heian-kyo which were in the northeast of Nagaoka. He prohibited big temples from moving to Heian-kyo. 
  In addition to reforming the political institution, Emperor Kammu attempted to put the Ezo (the present Tohoku district ) under control. He has put down the rebellion many times. But he couldn't accomplish his mission easily. Finally, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro who was appointed shogun  by Emperor Kammu suppressed almost the rebellion "Emishi", built the castle "Izawajo". Conquering the "Emoshi" was taken over by his sons, Emperor Heizei, Emperor Saga, and Emperor Junna.


  Emperor Kammu and his father Emperor Konin weren't by nature persons who could be emperor. But because Tenmu-descendent princes died, Tenchi-descendent Prince Shirakabe (Emperor Konin ) could ascend the throne. After Konin became emperor, Kammu's brother Prince Osabe whose mother was Tenmu-descendent Emperor Shomu's daughter Princess Inoe was appointed as the crown prince. But they were cleared from the political community. So Emperor Konin's son Yamabe ( Emperor Kammu ) ascended the throne after his father died.
  Emperor Kammu suffered badly from ghosts of Prince Osabe, Prince Inoe and his brother Prince Sawara who also cleared from the political community. One after another his family circle died due to epidemics. So he moved the capital of Japan from Nagaoka-kyo to Heian-kyo shortly.